1. Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse Mod 1.12.2
  2. Minecraft Mods Hospital Zombie Apocalypse

Recently I was browsing some comments regarding a post about the upcoming ender-dragon mob, and saw a pretty insightful post which basically said that the problem with Minecraft was that some people want block destroying mobs and some want more of a architecture friendly game. I personally prefer the latter, with mobs to keep some balance, but I came up with a solution to the desires of the former which I would enjoy.The only real difference I was thinking was in the mobs.

Gun mods for minecraft zombie apocalypse

There would be only zombies, and they wouldn't need much of a revamping besides a better way to chase the player. The really difficult part would be finding a good speed at which zombie could; once they know the location of a player, break the blocks between them in order to reach them. This would provide a better zombie apocalypse game than I have every heard of, as well as a fantastic multi-player mode.

Players would have to constantly revamp their bases during the day to stop the hordes of zombies, and couldn't just ignore monsters at night. Game created buildings could be destroyed buildings of the past.I think this would be an incredible game and would love some feedback on it. I posted something like this a while back. I called it nightmare mode. Every mine craft month you get a 'red moon' and If you use a bed you enter the nightmare. Everything is tinted red and torches flicker more.

Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse Mod 1.12.2

Minecraft Mods Zombie Apocalypse

Essentially there are zero consequences for any block that is broken, and zombies become capable of tunneling toward you. You can't craft or open chests, you just get what you had when you went to bed. Your health regenerates regardless of your food bar and aggressive mob spawn rates double. Mobs also get infinite line of sight, so they always know where you are. You cannot wake up unless you die, and the only change to your world will have been whatever spoils you gathered while in the nightmare. Nether mobs may also spawn in nightmares, but only if you've already seen the Nether, because otherwise your character wouldn't know or be able to dream about them.I think I'll do a self post, I've been wanting Notch to add this since alpha.


Minecraft Mods Hospital Zombie Apocalypse

I think your zombie mode idea is great, but I'd love to offer a few twists:.zombie piles - so you wouldn't be safe 'floating' on a raised dirt pillar, they'd pile up around you and climb each other. To make every one happy if notch had the time he could add more features to the map options so that you could select what gamemode u wanted, what extra mobs u wanted (so people that dont want crazy supah creepers or something dont have to), what dimensions ( like nether and the ender), what extras such as every so nights zombie seige or stuff like that. Star wars galaxies steam key.

I think that would be great so everyone who doesnt want that has the choice, that would be great if notch could do that. But even if he cant we still gotta love him he cant do everything haha.