1. Celts Age Of Empires 2

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3 ViewersBug Fixes - Game Tips - Patches.Playing on Mac:.Playing on Linux:.(CD version only).(CD version only)Play Online.Community sites.Wiki.Subreddit RulesYouTubeOfficial Channels:.AoE2 YouTubers:.Top Players:.Spanish Channels:.German Channels:.French Channels:.Organizations:.Other AoE Communities.- Age of Empires Online. Alright, I just played another game as the Celts. I love this civ, and apart from the upcoming post i'd like to open a Celt only discussion about anything concerning them.to the pointWhy should you pick Celts next game you ask?

Well, let me tell you.These guys shine in every single age. Even more than the 'top tier' civs.The celts are a loved civ in high level Aoe2 in boom-friendly maps and deathmatch. Sure they do, their strengths lie in their late game! The best infantry and siege line in the game.Yes. And while this is one of the most loved aspects of the Celts, there is a sad part.

That is: they are not loved in 1v1 2v2 games. On water, and basically any open map, they are ignored. Because of civs like the Huns, Mayans and Mongols.Now, why isn't Celts vs huns or Mayans a thing?

Because as far as i know, they can do just as good as their enemies. They basically have no counter. While the most popular civs, Huns being countered by the Saracens and Mayans dont stand a chance against Goths, the Celts can beat any civ. If you have any arguments or ideas about this, i'd love to hear them.Anyway, heres why they rule:drushNot many civs shine in the dark age. The Aztecs can do a 5 militia drush, any other civ has no significant drush advantage, and the Celts have fast moving infantry.These drushes are super effiient because a hit and run on villagers is easy with the Celtic militia. These guys outrun anything but a scout in the dark age.feudal agressionAlright, Celts don't have bonuses for popular feudal units such as the archer and scout.

But they have zero disadvantages here. Their great wood chopping bonus means farms and archers are cheap. An early economy basically relies on wood because of farms. And archers from two ranges is easily affordable.Scouts are viable on the Celt.

You can use more vills for food income rather than wood because of that bonus.And their military is still fast as hell.Castle time!This is where they become really scary. Their crossbows are easily afforable because of the wood gathering bonus, and if they have time to boom, farms are easily affordable too! Whereas huns, mayans and mongols don't have significant eco bonuses in this time.Their knight line lacks bloodlines. But only civs that use cavalry post castle age need bloodlines anyway. The knights' attack damage line from the blacksmith line is needed post imp, so you can research that instead of bloodlines.The siege is already formidable here.

Mangonels fire 20% faster. They also have both stone and gold mining upgrades. This is a super feature for the Celts. As they will need both resources a lot in the upcoming ageImperial ageThis is the best time a Celt player can be in. Siege units are often the game breaking units in the game. And the Celts have tanky as hell siege. This means their scorpions rape anything that comes within its range, Siege onagers idem dito, and their rams are a pain in the ass to destroy by anything but siege onagers and batallions of mangudai.So where do you beat the Celts here?

Even in situations where its hard to win post imp wars, Celts have a very strong feature in the post imp besides that, and that is damaging economy. Woad raiders are eagle warriors that dropped some pierce armor for hp attack damage and are cheap ass hell. Woad raiders are literally the best unit in the game. Once they are in your economy, they are hard to get rid off. They are fast and strong. They rape the villagers in your woodline.

They chase trading carts to death. And with 20 woads you can take a TC down in seconds.They can fight a whole lot of enemy units cost-effectively. They are easy to mass once you've got about some castles up. The scorpions or onagers behind the woads work well against units that DO beat woads. Such as paladins and hand cannons.So this is it for now, if you have any discussions, questions, or love messages about the Celts, i'd like to hear them!. I have to disagree that huns don't have a significant bonus during castle age - their housing bonus is still big, and has the added factor of being noob-friendly in castle age where you are producing out of way more buildings and getting housed way more often with other civsbut other than that, yes i agree celts are awesome.

They are one of my favourite civs. Some civs can compete with post-imp celts (turks, koreans, mongols) but there are none that have a better than even chance of winning. Oh, also they have cheaper cav archers and faster stables, two bonus' that come into their own in Castle Age. They are really fucking good. They save about 30VS (I pulled that number out of my arse but yeah) per cav archer, produced, which is about 15 resources. I forgot to add that to my (pretty spot on) other post, so I guess I'll leave this here to get downvoted too. Because that pissed me off.

Jabilli kosam akasamalle song keyboard ringtone. I provided better information that like 90% of the community could, and I get downvoted? What the fuck? I'm so bitter about this, but thankfully I won't remember this vitriolic rant because I'm already drunk. Yeah, it is a top tier civ, for pretty much all maps except arena.


Top tier dursh, top tier archer flush, second tier xbows. They do have quite a big flaw and it's the transition to imp. You have to change unit composition, regardless of which unit you went with. But once you get there, they are hard to beat, regardless of which unit enemy has to offer.Best civ for BF as well. Getting SO techs 20% faster makes a big difference and faster wood gathering is very helpful when booming.Tl;dr: celts rox.

Monks are great in castle age but they loose their effectiveness significantly in imperial age, specially in a BF team game when trade is up and its all about strong units. Monks are most effective against elephants, If a persian player is fighting aztec alone then yeah he would be ok because aztecs can convert elephants but if Persian has even little support in any form (which he would in a team game) then Aztecs will just die. Also monk micro at fast speed is impossible. (Most non expert BF games are on fast speed)Apart from SO, Aztecs do not get any other strong unit that's why they are tier 3. EW are great raiding units for open maps but for a closed map/choke maps they are not really effective.

Celts Age Of Empires 2

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