I've been roaming the internet for a day now and still I haven't found what I'm looking for: that is, a list of build-in line commands for the WinRE Command Prompt, which comes with any Windows 7 computer. In the 'normal' command prompt in Windows 7, the command (C:Windowssystem32)help generates a list of all build-in line commands. However, in the Command Prompt of the Window 7 repair disk (WinRE) the command HELP does not work. I've tried all sorts of other commands too, like LIST, /?,?/, MAN(ual).

Windows Recovery Environment Commands

But nothing seems to generate a list of available line commands under the Windows Recovery Environment Command Prompt.So, how can I know what the available commands are in WinRE? Is there anything, any means to determine the commands that are available? A website with a list of all commands.

Windows Recovery Environment Commands For Windows 10

Windows Recovery Environment Commands

Windows Recovery Commands

Hopefully.I've been surfing in the RAMDISK ( X: ) after having booted into WinRE, and I did find some commands like Dism.exe, and a few others but that was it; the build-in line commands I couldn't see.johan Edited August 23, 2012 by DiracDeBroglie.