VMax’s Boeing 777 Worldliner is a very realistic model with outstanding quality on graphics, interior, exterior, wings, landing gear, and so much more.Built with input from Boeing, pilots and engineers – this product is an excellent simulation of an aircraft.

Boeing 777 X Plane 11

I'm a newbie to this. Do I have to program the FMC to fly this plane? Also I was told not to use the ATC because it 'sucks' so when I'm in the gate, how do I get pushed back to taxi?

Thanks.I'm a newbie to this. Do I have to program the FMC to fly this plane? Also I was told not to use the ATC because it 'sucks' so when I'm in the gate, how do I get pushed back to taxi? Thanks.You don't have to program any FMC, but you won't get the best flying out of the aircraft unless you do, ATC is being upgraded in the next X-Plane update (10.50) we hope.

The pushback truck is built in and located in the right hand menu popup.As a side note, the B777 is a complex simulation, I suggest something like the built in X-Plane 747 and getting to know and fly the X-Plane basics before moving on to the B777. Hello, im trying to get the full potential of the B777. But everytime I get ready to fly it, the FMC, and some other dash systems isn't working.

Also, when I purchased the extended pack version, it stated that I have restrictions on the serial number. Although, I am kind of new to explain and especially this aircraft, im all confused on what I have to do.32bit is very small power for an aircraft of this size? If your computer is the same it could be underpowered for the aircraft?

Did you purchase the aircraft and the extended version at the same place? Go back to Store and ask them to give you a new key for both if so. Greetings if anyone purchased with a credit card or pay pal.contact them and ask for a refund.I just did and a refund was issued. There is a problem with WARNING of overspeed and no screen display of the FMC nor the NAV.there are no known fix's and until then stay clear.'

.keep your head to the sky'.I don't think there is a 'Overspeed' warning issue? I have flown the B777 a lot over the last few weeks and yes I get the alert if I go into the red band speed territory (flaps down), but that is normal. Otherwise it flies as it should. I have a few questions:Can X-Plane be used with 2 or 3 Displays?Can EICAS screens be dragged to a seperate monitor?Do what degree are the sys (elect/hyd/fuel/etc) functional on the overhead?Of course you can use X-Plane with multiple monitors, but you will have to have the processing power to run them as they take up a lot of processing power to cover all those pixels. Not sure about if the EICAS display can be moved over to another screen but I don't see any reason why not. All overhead systems are fully functional within reason. Dear all,Im only medium exprienced with X-plane 10.

Just invested theese 85 in Boing 777 series.Problem is allocated to the start up sequences - EVERY time I switch the ground power on, the warning red-light goes on and this terrible 'uh uh' sound contineaus and I cant stop it - not even after take-off many minutes later!No offence Henry but you are trying to run (too fast) before you can actually walk. The battery is always the first thing that you switch on, so yes you will get multiple alarms as the system is confused.

These Boeing heavies have serious systems and you need to know your way around them and be able to interpret the system diagrams on the central EICAS Display before attempting to use them correctly. My advice is to learn and start on something a lot (lot) simpler, and learn how aircraft electrical systems work (via engine, APU and GPU feeds on the EICAS or similar), then understand 'Bleeds' to start engines and hydraulics and you will start to get the right set ups to start and fly the aircraft, as there is no point in watching and copying a video, if you don't know what is actually going on when a switch is switched or used. The B777 is the top of the tree and you need to start lower and work your way up to it, that is part of the deal with simulation as the learning curve is steep and long, but you do get it in time and learn and like me finally can fly like a pro. But it took me years to get there. Am I the only one having problems with the B772 stopping whenever i land.

This thing takes a really long time to slow down.Well Devin I know the aircraft is working correctly as I have been flying it very regularly over the last two months and it works perfectly for me. So do you set the airbrakes to auto on landing? And use the thrust reverser toggle to activate the thrust reversers? Thrust reversers are throttle controlled as well so if you don't power up then the aircraft won't slow down. There is one annoying quirk that can cause issues though. The Autopilot does not switch off when landing?

So if you use the autothrottle on landing it will continue to produce thrust, and here is the annoying part. You have to turn the autopilot off and then back on again to disengage it, then it works fine, i use a joystick button to do this quickly and it works. I just bought the 777 Worldliner and although it looks very beautiful i find the flight model to be a bit strange. I don't know about you guys but whenever I'm landing the will sway to the left and right even with no wind. I don't know if some things wrong on my end or that just the flight model. Ps I Am comparing this with the PMDG 777-200/300No that does not sound right? I fly the B777 Worldliner a lot (mostly Freighter variant) and I don't get that. Are you using the 10.50RC, as that would be the only differential.

Some aircraft do, do that though. It could be an X-Plane quirk in that it doesn't take account of the wheel contact friction, I have complained about it for years.

Moving files in windows 10. To move a file or folder from one window to another, drag it there while holding down the right mouse button. Select the Traveler file. Moving the mouse drags the file along with it, and Windows explains that you're moving the file. (Be sure to hold down the right mouse button the entire time.).

I also have 32Bit computer, does that make any difference?With all respect, to explain, ALL computer hardware over the last 12+ years has and still is 64bit. So your computer is 64bit not 32bit. What is being referred to here as 32bit and 64bit, is firstly the operating system, the software that starts and runs the computer, and then the software, old terminology programs, new terminology, apps.The great thing about the 64bit hardware is that it runs 32bit operating systems and apps with no issues. Likewise if you are running a 64bit operating system from Microsoft, that is Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1 and now Windows 10, you can still run 32bit and 64bit apps on it side by side, again another great feature.

X Plane 11 777 300er

But you cannot do it the other way around, that is run 64bit apps on a 32bit operating system, even if the hardware is 64bit.The one advantage without getting into the more intricate details, is that a 64bit operating system gives more access to RAM, the computers memory. On 32bit systems you are limited by math and science, a physical barrier, of only 3.2GB of memory for use. The operating system will take 2GB for itself to use and run in, so only 1.2GB of memory left to run our apps in, including simulators and all of their scenery and aircraft add-ons. So the advantage of having a 64bit operating system is we now have access to more memory, in theory 16.8 million terabytes (mind boggling), but in practice, as we have not yet invented computer hardware to even reach 200GB, we can have 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, and the latest and greatest hardware 128GB ans 256GB of memory installed (also mind boggling from 32GB and up installed). So now our apps, and simulators with their more complex scenery and aircraft have incredible amounts of space to work in, and add to the realism.So to finish off, this is what they are referring to, when they talk of X-Plane being abe to run as 64bit.


Hope this clears up a little more of the confounding jargon around computers and software.RegardsAndrew Brown.