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Fallout 2 Gecko Pelts

Now people call it a massive improvement over the original and I agree. However, the game isn't afraid to throw some unfair shit at you even at the start of the game. So, as someone who's been tinkering with the game and with constant restarts, I'm gonna help you out. Be sure you're aware of the original game's mechanics before you continue reading on.Before you start1) Install Restoration Project 2.3.3. This restores cut content and quests and fixes things like ammo damage. However, it restores bullshit things like the Kaga encounter so YMMV on the score for this.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSPECIALSo I'm sure you're aware of what the SPECIAL system is now.

That said, let me give a starting view of what I have. Veterans can give you a more extensive viewpoint but this is the quick and dirty from someone just at Vault City.Strength - 5: Strength dictates how well you use a weapon, your HPs, your melee damage. I keep it at 5 since power armor will boost my Strength anyways and I don't plan to use Big Guns till near the end.Perception - 7: Perception determines your accuracy. Vets of 1 and 2 will say 7 since the Sniper perk can only be gained with a Perception of 7Endurance - 5: Your resistance to things like radiation and poison. It also effects your HP as well.Charisma - 6: Unlike the original, Charisma is a bit more useful here. Now, Charisma determines the number of companions you can have with you in your party. I think with a Charisma of 6, you can have 3 companions in your party.Intelligence - 8: Affects your speech and the number of skill points you get per level.

Of course, going a low intelligence run is possible and can cause some 'unique' conversations but this is a newbie guide so we're doing 8.Agility - 10: Probably the most important of the 7 stats. It determines the number of action points you can use per round. With an agility of 10, you can use a total of 10 APs per round which is a godsend.Luck - 7: Determines things like winning at gambling, your crit rate, etc.Optional traits:Unlike NV, I use traits in 1 and 2. Here are my preferable choices. And again, vets can tell you which traits are good and which ones are worthless but I'm just giving my 2 choices for the start.1) Gifted: Practically a cheesy trait in a nutshell. In exchange for a small cut in your skill numbers, you get an extra point in your SPECIAL stats.2) Small frame: a small cut in carry weight in exchange for another point in agility?

Yes please.Tag Skills:Like in 1, 3 and NV, you can tag 3 skills. Or if you're cheesy, you can use the FO1and2 save editor to add a 4th tag skill.(Ik, sue me)Anyways, here are my 3 tag skills that can a help a newbie out:1) Small Guns - Small guns cover things like shotguns, pistols, rifles. When you get your first gun in Klamath, things start to pick up.2) Speech - Speech opens up more questlines and conversation options during the game.3) Lockpick - there are a lot of locked containers and doors in this game.If you feel good, you could swap lockpick out for unarmed/melee if you feel like you won't be opening locked things for a while. And melee is gonna come in handy for what's up next.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTemple of TrialsOh joy, this place. The hated tutorial of this whole game. And for good reason, its bullshit because you're only armed with a spear and if you didn't tag melee, you're gonna have a bad time.

But, Uncle Infernox is gonna help guide you through this place.1) Stay on a straight shot to the end. Don't diverge and try to fight other enemies in the other corridors.2) When in combat with the ants; if you miss an attack, run away and let the ants waste their APs.

They only have a certain number of APs per turn. So they'll waste their opportunity to attack by trying to catch up.

And since you should have an Agility of 10, that's plenty to flee unless you feel confident enough to still fight them.3) When you hit the first locked door, just lockpick it. No need to find a key.4) when you get to the end door in the 2nd area, there's a vase with a plastic explosive in it. Set the explosive to around 20-30 seconds, then drop it from your inventory by the door, and haul ass away from there.5) When you make it to the end, one of your fellow villagers will challenge you to an unarmed duel so you'll get through the door. This is apparently a difficult thing to do unless you tag unarmed.

Fallout 2 Sell Gecko Pelts

There's an easy way to get by him. Either have a high Speech check(via your tag skill) and BS your way through or use your Steal skill and take the key from him.

He'll be oblivious and you can use it to get through the door.Arroyo:Ah your home. But unfortunately, you have a quest to do so you can't linger for long. So go to the elder's tent and start the quest. But, here are a couple ways to get some free XP before heading out.1) One of the villagers lost his dog. Go to the Hunting Grounds to the West and go find him. Don't worry about the geckos.

They're practically blind so you can rush by them and get the dog and hurry back.2) Use the repair skill on the well to help your nephew. Even a low repair skill can repair it.3) Help Hakunin rid the garden of the two spore plants. The spore plants only have a finite number of spikes they can shoot at long range. Let them waste it and then rush in and slaughter them. OR, if you don't feel like fighting them, return later on with a gun and slaughter their ass at long range. Once you finish, talk to Hakunin and he can make some healing powder with Broc Flower and Xander Root(sounds familiar, doesn't it?)4) Before you leave, ask the villager at the bridge to sharpen your spear.

Get some flint from your bitch of an aunt in the village. You can either ask to get it from her or take it from her by stealing.

Don't worry if you lose some karma is you fail to steal it twice. She'll give it to you on the 2nd fail and you can easily regain karma later on.World MapJust like the original game, you'll have random encounters on the map. However, the game LOVES to sometimes throw random bullshit at you from time to time. The Kaga encounters for example(in the RP) are exceptionally bullshit. You can always run away if you feel too weak. And another thing, make constant pitstops while travelling to quicksave if you feel afraid you're gonna come across an encounter that will set you back.Klamath:1) Let's start off by going all the way past downtown into trapper town to the west.

Ask the guy in the building to give you the key to take care of the rats. Once you get into the next part of the building, look for 3 lockers. They should have 24 rounds of 10mm and 2 rubber boots. These rubber boots will come in handy later on.2) once you slaughter the rats, head down into the tunnels. A small door to your guy's left will net some more 10mm rounds in the desk.3) after getting past the rats, head down again and you should see a 10mm pistol on the ground. You found your first gun. Use it to slaughter the rat god and the other critters down there.

There should also be some more 10mm ammo down there. Now head up the other ladder.4) get past the critters and either lockpick the door or blow it up via the dynamite in the cabinet by the door.

Golden Gecko Fallout

Once you go up the ladder, you should see a run-down Highwayman in the parking lot. Interact with it and grab the fusion cell regulator. This will come in handy later on. Backtrack, grab anything you missed in the tunnels, and head back to downtown.5) Now let's meet Sulik, the first companion you should come across in this game. Unlike the 1st game, you can customize companions' attack style, how far apart you want them, etc.

You can even use them as a mule if you're running out of space. If you have $350, you can pay for his damages. If not, you can talk to the lady in charge of the store. Her husband is missing so go out into the world map and head to the toxic caves.Toxic Caves1) Ah, the toxic caves, home to the blasted golden geckos.

Fallout 2 Gecko Reactor

Use your 10mm pistol well here. Now, the radiation puddles are a literal hazard. But if you followed my guide, you should have 2 pairs of rubber boots in your inventory so you should be fine but don't stay too long on the puddles. They'll melt. (If you have Sulik with you, either give him a pair or tell him to stay put so you can find Smiley.)2) Once you get past the geckos, you should find Smiley at the end. Don't worry, he has rubber boots so he should be fine provided he doesn't linger on the puddles.

Get him (and Sulik, if you have him) and get out of there.3) Now return to Klamath and talk to Smiley. He'll teach you how to skin geckos. Trust me, gecko pelts are an excellent source for money later on. If you haven't already, talk to Smiley's wife and ask for Sulik's freedom. If you're in the mood for gecko pelts, visit Southern Klamath and slaughter them. But for now, head back to the world map and head southeast to the Den.The DenNow we're in the 2nd town.

See all those kids hanging by those stores? They'll steal something from you if you even walk by them. There's an easy way to rid the street of the orphans.(warning: only do this if you have the restoration project installed since this quest was cut)1) first, head to the junkyard and talk to Smitty.

That fuel regulator you got? It can be used to up the mileage on that Highwayman he has. Yep, you can have a car in this game to make travel time quicker.

But, you're missing a component. You won't find this till the Vault City-Gecko plotline later on.2) again, if you have the RP installed, head into the residential area. Talk to that kid about his abusive father. Go back to the Den West Side and head to the East Side. Go to Mom's store and ask about the orphans.

Deal with the squatters back in the Resident Area. Either threaten them out or just kill them. Don't let them run away or the quest won't be completed.(This can be solved by standing in a doorway and block them.) Once this is done, talk to Mom. Go back to the world map and linger outside for a couple days.

Return to the Resident Area to make sure the orphans are there now. Good, now all of the orphans are off the streets.3) now, let's get some good weapons and shit. Go to Flick's and Tubby's in West Side and kill them both.

Don't worry, the people of the Den won't get pissed except for like an addict or 2 and you can easily scare them away. Again, stand in the doorway to block any attempts of escape and kill them. Once you kill them both, loot them to get weapons, ammo, and finally some better armor.4) Now, let's find Vic like the Elder wanted. He got captured by the Slavers in East Side.

If you have Vic's radio from his shack in Klamath, you can exchange it for his freedom. He's a bit weak early-game but better weaponry and armor later on will make him a powerhouse.And that's it. Modoc and Vault City/Gecko are out east.

Up to you now on how to beat the game. Oh man I recomend a different special but it's my opinion, I think that for first time players may be slightly easier than your recommendations xdS5 I completely agree with you, you get 1 more for the implant and power armor takes care of the rest.P8 or 9 this really helps with ranged attacks and first time players tend to go for the sniper build. Can be increased to 10 if you get 9 at the beginning.E6 I always recomend this, with 6 your healing rate doubles which halves time to rest until fully healed and may be less frustrating.C2 personally I think this Stat is useless, companion AI is bad and with minimum charisma with gifted perk you can still have 1 companion and with the shades and mentats you can have 2. Also your companions will die in stupid ways and having less can be less frustrating.I9 you need to counter gifted and with 9 you can max to 10 later.A9 or 10 it's easier to start with 10 but with restoration project you get 1 way to raise agility in mid game.L8, you can max this to 10 with the realignment in the ncr, which allows you to have 100 percent crit with sniper perk later.I agree with traits, fast shot is good and good natured is not that bad either. Jynxed with 10 luck is fun too.Those are the best tagged skills, always save points to put in science and repair when needed.Good guide, another tip, one of the slavers has a psycho, steal that, use it, go to a room with only 1 entrance and with the weapons from the guys you killed, proceed to destroy them, leave your companion in other part of the map he will suicide on the slavers and cause frustration. Killing the slavers is a good boost in xp this early, you will get all the 10mm ammo you could ever want for a long part of the game which means you can abuse bursts from the smg, which is lethal at your level.Edit: spell check.

As someone who's played Fallout 2 about 700 times, I would respectfully disagree with this guide. Max out Int, not Agi; the extra character points will more than make up for the special, especially with the SPECIAL enhancers you can put into your character later into the game, as well as the SPECIAL points you can get for your perks.Tags: Energy weapons do more damage and have higher range for late game, so I would change the tag to energy weapons and just stack points into small guns until you have an energy weapon you can use. With Int being at 9 points, you have all the character points you could want for extra.If you really want to be cheesy and make the game 10x easier, go to Navarro base right out of the gate and get your PA/energy weapons. You can sneak into the base as a recruit and get all that stuff at level 1 or 2 and it makes the game way easier. Not my personal recommendation, as I enjoy the challenge, but to each their own.Also, I would recommend against any mods; enjoy this game as it was released, and replay it with mods after.Didn't bother reading the rest, but I'm glad someone's putting an effort into making a guide. I never wanted to waste a Tag! Perk though when I could use it on Doctor.

But having one in small guns early on makes sense, since that's what you use for at least half of the game. And like you said, you can get some weapons that will carry that all the way to the end of the game. My point was that energy weapons has more powerful weapons available. I would always Tag it at character creation and just trickle points into every time I leveled up until the time I got to Vault City and got a laser weapon.

Guys I need some help. I'm playing Fallout 2 with Restoration Project 2.0 and high resolution patch installed.The situation is as follows:During the 'Find Smiley the trapper' quest in Klamath, after I arrived in the Toxic Caves - and killed a few geckos on my way in - I finally found Smiley. I told him I came to get him out of there and he agreed to follow me.Just before we left, I used my stealing skill on him and made him lighter by 3 gecko pelts. He didn't turn hostile, so I assume he didn't notice. So I left with Smiley at my back.After we both climbed up the ladder out of the toxicated area, he stopped following me! To make things worse, I can no more talk to him.

When I click on him, the game only shows the 'hand' icon, and opens Smiley's inventory. I can get all his items without him showing interaction.I even tried to go to Klamath, only to find no signs of Smiley and that the quest was not yet completed.I went back to the toxic caves and found him there, still without being able to talk to him. And he doesn't move at all. He only acts like the bookshelfs we find throughout the game.Any leads?