1. War Thunder Soviet Planes

Oneof the interesting things about Google Analytics is that it shows whatsearches led people to this blog. Which can be quite entertaining at times.For instance, a lot of people would really like to know which Russian fighter plane is the best in War Thunder?Well, I recently discussed the more general question of which plane is the best in War Thunder at the moment , and there was no mention of any Russian fighters. Does this mean that Russians are not great in War Thunder?No, far from it, but their best planes do not, within the current Flight Model in Arcade Battles, beat the Spitfires and the Zeroes out there.What the russian do have is the best manouvrability at low levels and in the low tiers. For instance, the Russian reserves are excellent and will out turn anything.Following the reserves the Russian pilot will face a few levels wherein the Fighter Bombers are the best alternative - these are excellent and will rack in a lot of money and experience from destroying ground targets.And then the pain starts as the first Yak's are quite painful to fly. They are basicly boats with wings and serious armament. They might be a pain, but it is also quite fun to fly them.War Thunder: Best Russian Plane is the YAK-9TBut afterwards you get the real deal - the Yak-9T.

This is a monster with its cannons and acceptable turn speed. I must say that I really love this plane - it swats bombers out of the sky and any isolated enemy pilot will get destroyed. At the mid tiers, this would be my choice as the best Russian Fighter Plane.Anyways, here is an early example of how you can (fail) play the Yak-9T in War Thunder. When I'm flying this plane, I'll normally start high going high, searching for isolated bombers and let loose on them.

Afterward, if the furball down below has begun to separate I'll swoop in, and otherwise I'll continuecruising around at a high altitude. This plane does not manouvre well, if you want to keep the nose on the target so the key is to be able to predict when and where you will intercept the enemy and prepare to go.Boom. Boom. at that spot.Also, a word of caution. While searching for pictures of a Yak-9T at work, I found out, in a very not-safe-for-work way, that there apparently is a porn site with a similar name and a.com ending. I really wonder why they chose such a name, but anyways, be careful what you search for on Google:-).If you happen to agree, disagree or be madly in love with me, please leave a comment or a tip:-). It really motivates all blogowners to keep blogging!All the best,Kasper.


War Thunder Soviet Planes

Pontus, to be honest I've all but given up on bombers. In my two nations of choice (Japan and USSR) the bombers are really lacking (hell, their ground attack planes are superior to the bombers) and playing them felt like grinding. And with fighters being so bloody fun I see no reason to go for the bombers.

So I'm the bad guy on the team who will fly fighters 85% of the time, and then at the end switch to a ground attack plane and try and take out the last ground targets. The reason being it just makes the game more fun:-). I just cant seem to figure this plane out. Its weapons are devastating but the recoil on the cannon makes hitting a weaving target almost impossible.

Its fast when diving but when flying level it seems to take forever to pick up enough speed to do anything. Then there's the weird situations where I'll be flying low, go into a turn and the plane will bottom out and not climb, so I'm lead into a cliff or the sea because the nose just wouldn't lift. Then next game itll be totally different and i can BnZ with ease before climbing into the clouds from below 200 feet.

It looks and sounds nice though, but i prefer the yak 7b so far, has great weapons but doesn't need treating like a diva:). AnonymousI just got my Yak-9T and don't have all the mods yet. Great top speed though, and I have used that to my advantage. My success usually comes with the side attack and, as you said, I try to find that sweet spot, when my guns come to bear on the target. Plus, in the beginning, I tried to tier up as fast as I could. This just gives you better planes that you don't know how to use. So, I went back to the low tiers and just stayed there until I knew my aircraft.

Now, I have 2.75 million silver lions!

The free-to-play MMO War Thunder allows players to use cosmetic items to decorate their WWII-era tanks and planes in game. But nationalism, racism and plain old trolling have become a serious problem in the game's online community. To combat abuse, developer Gaijin Entertainment has started charging players for national flag decals that used to be free. Gaijin sees it as making it more painful for bad actors to abuse other players, but many in the community see it simply as monetizing harassment.Lots of free-to-play games make a pretty penny off of cosmetic items, and War Thunder is no exception. Many of their vehicle decals are pulled from museum pieces and old photographs. They are historical artifacts; period nose art from ace pilots or kill markings shown on the hulls of famous tanks.Before last week, Gaijin included the flag of every country in the U.N.

For free, part of a set of starter decals that helped get players used to the idea of personalizing their vehicles. It allowed players to create obscure historical tanks and warplanes and, alternately, have a little fun.' Say that you want to recreate a historical aircraft in the game,' Alexander Trifonov, Gaijin's head of public relations told Polygon.

'We have, for instance, official artwork of some. If you are a huge fan of history, or if you are simply a Mexican player, you can put the Mexican flag on your Thunderbolt in order to achieve historical accuracy.

That was our intention for including these flags.These last few months though things have gotten out of control, leading to many complaints.' What we have seen is that in some cases people are using these flags in inappropriate ways.' Those ways include, Trifonov said, images and symbols of Nazism that are prohibited in many European countries.By charging a fee, is Gaijin profiting from harassment?' It is okay to use swastikas in the media and video games or whatever,' Trifonov said. 'But in Europe, and in Russia, it is strictly forbidden in video games.

War Thunder Best Russian Plane

So when someone tries to put these kinds of symbols into the game, Gaijin can get into a lot of trouble.' But it's not just swastikas that were creating a furor in War Thunder's community. Many players were using combinations of flags in ways that were offensive to many nationalities and religions. There was also the issue of realism.' It was quite a dilemma for us,' Trifonov says. 'The thing is that most of the countries that we had flags for in the game, the didn't exist during WWII.

War thunder best russian plane pictures

Like Israel, for example, or the Russian Federation, for that matter. And when you see the flag of some country that didn't exist during WWII it destroys that realism.' Also at stake was game balance. Certain ultra-realistic modes remove HUD indicators from friend and foe alike, forcing players to rely on camouflage for stealth and close communication to avoid friendly fire. In high-stakes, team-based events having someone on your side whose tank is painted front to back with a giant American flag decal puts your team at a disadvantage.There were also clever players who used these decals to fool people into thinking they were on their side, literally using false flags to confuse the enemy.But simply removing the flags, or limiting their use, would be unfair to their players Trifonov said. Instead, Gaijin made the difficult decision to that were once free, effectively making it more difficult to abuse them.History is inherently political'It wasn't a decision that was taken lightly,' he said. 'Sometimes you have to pick the lesser evil, one might say.

And we are trying to be as open about this as we can.' In the end, Gaijin isn't stopping anyone from doing all the game-breaking, offensive things its community has complained about, it's just making that abuse more expensive. So is Gaijin merely profiting from players desire to abuse others?' No,' Trifonov said. Then he hesitated. 'Well, our idea is to prevent this behavior and we think.

It wasn't our intention in any way to profit from this.' We don't want to remove these options completely for those people who want to use them to recreate real, existing vehicles. War Thunder even supports user-generated content on the client-side and has for some time now, so if you really want to drive around with a Union Jack-covered tank, you can still do this and do it for free.'

History is political, and even a decades-old conflict like WWII has left behind echoes of ill will around the world. For companies like Gaijin, who set their games in reality, these kinds of issues will continue to crop up. So too will players try to exploit and abuse systems designed to entertain them. War Thunder and games like it will simply have to adapt.Update: Trifonov reached out to Polygon via email to add a few things to this story.' I wanted to clarify that there are no Nazi symbols in the game, of course,' he wrote. 'But, some players used the creative combination of existing decals and flags to create offensive imagery.' There is a reporting mechanism in the game, and anyone can report the offending player.

And we take measures, of course. We believe that the fear of ban for several days greatly outweighs the desire to offend other people, especially now that you have to spend some money to abuse the flags.' Many players don't want to pay for anything, much less for something that doesn't give a bonus (like other premium options of War Thunder), so we think charging for flags will be a very effective measure.'