
Several times during the past two weeks, I've had a strange occurrence in my eyes. I see a flashing, brightly colored, jagged semicircle in the upper area of my eye — sometimes my left eye, sometimes my right. It goes away in about 15 to 20 minutes. Someone told me it was related to low blood sugar, but I'm afraid it might be something worse. Should I be concerned?– Penny, FloridaThis is a relatively common symptom.

While it is most likely not related to, it may be associated with many other diseases, including classic. It is important to determine whether you have headaches after you see the image. If so, they can be treated with medications — a neurologist may be able to help with this.

Another cause of flashing lights is vitreoretinal traction. The vitreous body is the transparent gel that fills the posterior part of the eye.

It naturally adheres to some areas of the retina (the layer of cells that lines the back of the eye). With aging, the vitreous gel tends to liquefy, and this invariably reduces its volume. When this happens, the areas where it adheres to the retina are stretched, especially with eye movement. Special neural receptors of the retina become activated when the stretching occurs, creating the sensation of flashing. Because the eye is the most active organ in the body, these flashes can occur very often. When the traction, or stretching, is strong enough, it can result in the vitreous gel's separating from the retina, with or without a retinal tear.

Red Glowing Eyes Transparent Gif

These tears can be dangerous if they are large because they can lead to retinal detachment. However, when tears occur, they are usually recognized by the patient because of the presence of floaters, several tiny black dots moving in the visual field. Floaters result when pigment is released into the vitreous gel after a retinal tear develops. In any case, these flashes should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist to detect whether tears have occurred and to help you avoid further problems.Learn more in the Everyday Health.