Call to Report Abuse:If you’re in California, find your county’s emergency response child abuse or contact the any Law Enforcement Agency at 911.You are not required to provide proof. Anyone who makes a good faith report based on reasonable grounds is immune from prosecution.If the abuse occurred within the past 72 hours, a medical evaluation by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner is available by going to the Emergency Department at Your County Medical Center or by going to the nearest child advocacy center.

State of california child abuse laws

California Child Abuse Reporting Guidelines

There are 49 child support agencies across California that establish and enforce child support and medical support orders. Either parent or any guardian of a child can open a child support case, whether or not there is an existing child support order, and a case is automatically opened when a child receives public assistance. All case services are handled at this county or regional level and all child support-related questions should be first routed to the agency in your county or region of residence.Having a case with Child Support Services creates a record of all child support payments, provides a neutral go-between for parents, and can help both parents avoid court and assist with navigating the child support system. Child Support Services staff act in the public interest and do not represent either side of a child support case.

California Child Abuse Laws Penal Code 273d Pc


A complete list of services provided can be found t hese services are provided at little or no cost.If you are thinking of opening a case, or have been named in a child support case, contact us right away. Your local agency can help both of you know what to expect, and will work with you to make the child support process as stress-free as possible. We can even help you work out an agreement for child support and avoid court.