Perbedaan Fosforilasi Oksidatif Dan Fosforilasi Biasa Di
.Iqbal Gayuh Raharjaning Mukti Sumarsono2017-01-01Full Text Available Di dalam perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang fabrikasi, lifting merupakan salah satu tahapan terpenting dalam membangun bangunan lepas pantai sehingga diperlukan perhitungan dan analisis tambahan untuk memperhatikan apakah struktur tersebut aman ataupun tidak. Sekenario lifting berdasarkan konfigurasi rigging dapat dibuat untuk menentukan rigging equipment yang tepat.
Pada kasus ini, struktur yang di-lifting adalah struktur upper deck dari modul MODEC yang dikerjakan oleh PT. Deck ini memiliki panjang sekitar 19,5 m dan lebar 9 m. Berat total struktur dengan equipment sebesar 55 ton. Konfigurasi rigging yang akan digunakan ada tiga, yaitu Model A (tanpa spreader bar, Model B (satu spreader bar, dan Model C (dua spreader bar.
Dari ketiga konfigurasi tersebut akan diperoleh dimensi padeye yang berbeda- beda. Model A, Model B, dan Model C memiliki diameter hole padeye masing-masing sebesar 74 mm, 65 mm, dan 52 mm. Tegangan dan UC tertinggi sama- sama terjadi pada Model A sebesar 17625,99 psi dan untuk UC sebesar 0,52.
Tetapi hal ini berbanding terbalik apabila ditinjau dari daerah lubang. Tegangan ataupun UC yang lebih tinggi jatuh pada Model C yang menggunakan dua spreader bar sebesar 13936,58 psi dan nilai UC sebesar 0,45. Tegangan yang terjadi di attachments maupun sekitar hole dijadikan variabel dalam mencari keandalan yang terjadi pada tiap padeye dengan metode Mean value first order second moment (MVFOSM.
Sehingga didapatkan Probality of Failure (PoF pada attachments padeye pada Model A, B, dan C masing- masing sebesar 0,126%, 0,064%, dan 0,0001%. Sedangkan PoF pada hole padeye sebesar 0,062% untuk Model A, 0,10% untuk Model B, dan 0,23% untuk Model C.Atok Masofyan Hadi2016-09-01Full Text Available Rhizhopora apiculata is the plants mangrove of the tribe Rhizoporaceae. Detailed study of related species in Indonesia is still lacking. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the character of morphological and anatomical structure of vegetative species. The method used is the method of observation and exploration of the facts as a marker plant systematics. The results showed that the morphological characteristics of stem leaves roots in accordance with existing literature. Data anatomical vegetative structure is new data that is used to strengthen its position in Rhizoporaceae.
Rhizhopora apiculata merupakan tumbuhan mangrove dari suku Rhizoporaceae. Kajian secara mendetail terkait spesies di Indonesia masih sangat kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis karakter morfologis dan anatomis struktur vegetatif spesies. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode pengamatan dan eksplorasi fakta sebagai penanda sistematika tumbuhan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik morfologi daun batang akar sesuai dengan literatur yang telah ada.
Data anatomi struktur vegetatif merupakan data baru yang digunakan untuk memperkuat kedudukannya dalam Rhizoporaceae.Indra Gunawan2013-10-01Full Text Available Sintesis LiFePO4 dilakukan dengan pencampuran LiCl, FeCl2.4H2O dan H3PO4 ekuimolar ke dalam air. Homogenasi larutan dilakukan dengan pengaduk magnetic pada suhu 60o C. Prekursor LiFePO4 diperoleh setelah pemanasan 200o C dengan furnace selama 2 jam.
Sintering prekursor LiFePO4 dilakukan pada suhu 700o C dengan furnace selama 4 jam dengan aliran N2 untuk membentuk fasa kristalit LiFePO4. Kemurnian fasa dan struktur kristal dianalisis dengan menggunakan XRD. Analisis struktur kristal dari pola difraksi sinar-X dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak FULLPROF. Pengamatan morfologinya dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEM dengan kombinasi energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS dan pengukuran gugus fungsional dengan FT-IR. Hasil analisis struktur kristal menunjukkan bahwa senyawa LiFePO4 memiliki struktur Kristal orthorhombic, space group 62, simbol Pnma (Hermann-Mauguin dengan parameter kisi a= 6.0019999, b= 10.330000, c= 4.6999998.Ardipal - -2015-12-01. Yaitu musik sebagai pengembangan seni di lingkungan tertentu dan musik sebagai seni komersial.
Dari sisi musik komersial, hampir dua dekade terakhir ini lagu anak-anak menghilang di media massa. Digantikan oleh lagu orang dewasa.
Hal ini tentu mempengaruhi perkembangan psikologis, fisik, dan mental anak-anak. Secara teoritik, masalah ini hal ini dapat ditinjau dari produksi musik melalui pendekatan (1 konfik (hegemoni dan (2 interpretasi/makna.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan struktur musik lagu anak-anak dan struktur musik orang dewasa. Data diambil dari lagu anak-anak dan lagu pop orang dewasa. Metoda analisis difokuskan pada fitur lagu berdasarkan struktur musik dan dampaknya. Instrumen kunci dalam penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri dan instrumen pembantu berupa panduan kodifikasi data. Kemudian mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur tersebut yang terdapat dalam beberapa lagu anak-anak dan dewasa.
Untuk menjaga keabsahan data, dilakukan kegiatan triangulasi data. Kegiatan analisis data dimulai dari tahap memilih dan mengodifikasi data, menganalisis data sesuai dengan fitur musiknya masing-masing, dan tahap menarik kesimpulan serta verifikasi. Dari data lagu yang diambil sebagai sampel penelitian, terlihat bahwa pola ritmis, melodis, interval, tempo, hingga rentang nada belum laik dinyanyikan oleh anak-anak. Pemaksaan anak-anak untuk meniru lagu tersebut dapat berakibat fatal seperti kerusakan pita suara, kram otot rahang. Akhirnya, disarankan agar partisipan seni, dan juga Demikian juga jaringan infrastuktur seni, harus dapat memiliki pandangan yang sama dan kuat dalam pengembangan seni musik di Indonesia, khususnya untuk lagu anak-anak. Kata Kunci: lagu anak-anak, lagu perjuangan, lagu orang dewasa, struktur musik.Arief Anwar Shodiq2012-09-01Full Text Available Setiap lembaga atau instansi memerlukan teknologi informasi (TI untuk mendukung banyak aktivitas dalam menangani proses bisnisnya. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang ideal dan pembentukan struktur organisasi yang relevan dan dapat menjawab kebutuhan akan kelancaran proses bisnisnya.
Tidak terkecuali pada Dinas XYZ sebagai lembaga pemerintahan yang bertugas sebagai pengelola pendidikan dan kebudayaan di tingkat provinsi. Dibutuhkan sebuah struktur organisasi pengelola teknologi informasi yang selaras dengan Rencana Jangka Panjang Instansi untuk mendukung tujuan bisnisnya. Dan ketika perencanaan strategis ini diperbaharui, struktur organisasi juga dituntut untuk diperbaharui mengikuti perubahan kebijakan yang baru.Husnil Kadri2012-07-01Full Text Available Abstrak Hemoprotein adalah protein dengan kandungan hem yang terdapat hampir dalam semua sel manusia, hewan, dan pigmen fotosintesis tumbuhan. Ada berbagai macam hemoprotein yang tersebar luas dalam tubuh manusia, seperti hemoglobin, myoglobin, citoglobin, neuroglobin, dan lain-lain. Semua hemoprotein tersebut memiliki fungsi beragam yang penting untuk berlangsungnya proses metabolisme dalam tubuh. Struktur hem pada pigmen fotosintesis (klorofil tumbuhan sama dengan hemoglobin pada manusia, tetapi ion logam pada klorofil adalah magnesium (Mg sedangkan pada hemoglobin adalah besi (Fe. Perbedaan inilah yang kurang diketahui oleh sebagian masyarakat sehingga ada yang mengira mengkonsumsi klorofil tumbuhan dapat meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin darah.
Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara hemoprotein manusia dengan klorofil dan fungsi hemoprotein dalam tubuh manusia. Berdasarkan bentuk ion Fe pada gugus hemnya, maka hemoprotein dapat dibagi atas: (1 Hemoprotein yang memiliki ion Fe2+ sehingga mampu mengikat oksigen yaitu; hemoglobin, myoglobin, neuroglobin, dan cytoglobin.
(2 Hemoprotein yang memiliki ion Fe3+ sehingga berperan sebagai enzim oksidoreduktase yaitu; Sitokrom P450, Sitokrom yang terlibat dalam fosforilasi oksidatif, katalase, triptopan pirolase, dan NO sintase. Kata kunci: hemoprotein, ion Fe2+, ion Fe3+ Abstract Hemoproteins are proteins containing heme that widely distributed in humans, animals, and photosynthetic pigment of plants. There are many kind of hemoproteins in human body, such as hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytoglobin, neuroglobin, etc. Hemoproteins have the varied functions to keep normal metabolism in the body. Photosynthetic pigment of plants (chlorophyll and human’s hemoglobin have the same structure but the metal ions are different. Chlorophyll has magnesium and human’s hemoglobin has iron (Fe.
Not many people knew this difference, so some people thought if consume chlorophyll will.Muchlisinalahuddin Muchlisinalahuddin2015-07-01Full Text Available Suara lengkingan (squeal noise sering terjadi jika salah satu permukaan kontak logambergesekan dengan permukaan logam lainnya padakondisi tertentu. Dalam banyakpengamatan, spektrum frekuensi yang dihasilkan didominasi oleh sejumlah puncak yangsangat tajam biasanya dalam rentang frekuensi 1-20 kHz, sering berupa bentuk frekuensitunggal. Tulisan ini difokuskan pada modifikasi struktur untuk mengurangi suara lengkinganyaitu dengan menambahkan massa pada struktur bebentuk cakram sebagai pemodelan daribentuk sederhana dari roda kereta api. Beberapa massa ditambahkan pada struktur cakramuntuk mencegah getaran yang tidak stabil akibat gesekan dan untuk untuk mengurangi suaralengkingan. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya ditemukan bahwa penambahan massa untukstruktur dengan gesekan yang menyebabkan suara lengkingan dapat diterapkan untukmenggeser atau mengurangi wilayah yang tidak stabil dari modus terkopel. Dengan caramenghilangkan daerah tak stabil dari kondisi kerja. Pada penelitian ini, penambahan dua,empat dan delapan massa tambahan dengan berbagai ukuran ditambahkan di tepi cakram,dimana amplitudo getarannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan diposisi lainnya.
Perbedaan Fosforilasi Oksidatif Dan Fosforilasi Biasa Di Pc
Sehingga didapatkanbahwa dengan menambahkan delapan massa tambahan ditepi cakram suara lengkingan dapatdihilangkan, terutama dengan penambahan massa 50 gram dapat menghilangkan suaralengkingan dan dapat menggeser frekuensi pribadi menjadi 2114 Hz.Kata Kunci: suara lengkingan, modus terkopel, peredam dinamik,penambahan massa Squeal noise often occurs when a contact surfaces of metal rubbing against another metalsurface under certain conditions. In many observations, the frequency spectrum is dominatedby a number of very sharp peaks typically in the frequency range 1-20 kHz, often in singlefrequency form. This paper is focused on structural modifications to reduce the squeal noise byadding a mass in a simple thin disc as a simple model of train wheel where squeal noise isfrequently found when the train moves.Yus Rama Denny2016-07-01Full Text Available Telah dilakukan studi awal pembuatan dan pengolahan bahan mineral Indonesia sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan termistor NTC. Bahan mineral yarosit dari alam dimurnikan dengan larutan HCl, diendapkan dengan menggunakan NH4OH dan dipanaskan pada suhu kalsinasi 700oC selama 2 jam. Pembuatan termistor NTC dilakukan dengan mecampurkan serbuk yarosit hasil pemurnian dan pengendapan dengan TiO2. Pasta termistor FeTiO3 dicetak dipermukaan alumina substrat dengan metode screen printing, kemudian dilakukan pemanasan pada suhu 500oC selama 1 jam diruangan udara dilanjutkan disinter pada suhu 1100oC selama 1 jam diruangan hidrogen.
Sifat listrik keramik film tebal hasil sinter diukur pada berbagai suhu. Struktur kristal dievaluasi dengan difraksi sinar x (XRD, dan struktur mikro dievaluasi dengan menggunakan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope.
Data analisis XRD memperlihatkan bahwa seluruh keramik film tebal berstruktur heksagonal (Illiminite. Data struktur mikro dan sifat listrik memperlihatkan bahwa termistor dari yarosit memenuhi kebutuhan pasar.Lutfi Yondri2016-06-01Abstrak Situs Gunung Padang merupakan hasil temuan kembali pada tahun 1979. Sebelumnya temuan ini pernah dicatat oleh N.J. Krom pada tahun 1914. Sejak penemuan kembali pada tahun 1979, berturut-turut telah dilakukan penelitian oleh tim baik dari Direktorat Purbakala, PUSPAN (saat sekarang bernama Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Nasional, Balai Arkeologi Bandung, Pemerintah Daerah, serta berbagai kelompok masyarakat yang mencoba menggali nilai-nilai lain yang terkandung dalam tinggalan tersebut. Dalam tulisan ini dibahas tentang fisik dan pola susun balok-balok batu penyusun struktur punden berundak dengan menerapkan metode deskriptif. Melalui penerapan metode ini diharapkan dapat diuraikan tentang refleksi adaptasi terhadap kondisi lingkungan dari masyarakat pendukung tradisi budaya pengagungan arwah nenek moyang (megalitik yang terjadi pada masa lalu.
Kata kunci: Gunung Padang, budaya megalitik, konstruksi, pola susun, adaptasi.Khoirul Fatah2015-12-01Full Text Available Waduk Wadas lintang memiliki potensi perikanan yang cukup besar baik perikanan tangkap maupun perikanan budidaya. Kegiatan penangkapan ikan di waduk Wadaslintang saat ini sudah cukup tinggi, yang akan berdampak langsung pada struktur komunitas ikan yang menyebabkan pergeseran pola hubungan antara pemangsa,mangsa atau pesaing pada berbagai tingkat trofik. Tujuan penelitian ini untukmengetahui pola hubungan antar kelompok ikan berdasarkan tingkat trofik dari tingkat trofik terendah sampai kepada ikan karnivor, sehingga diperoleh gambaran peran kelompok ikan dalam komunitas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April, Juni, September dan Nopember 2013 di perairan waduk Wadaslintang.
Analisa data mencakup komposisi hasil tangkapan dan kebiasaan makan ikan serta tingkat trofik komunitas ikan. Analisis sidik ragam untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar tingkat trofik. Ikan contoh diperoleh dari nelayan dengan alat tangkap jaring, mulai dari ukuran 0,75 – 4,5 inchi. Hasil penelitian diketemukan sebanyak 15 jenis ikan yang didominasi oleh ikan nila dengan persentase berat mencapai 56,45%. Struktur komunitas ikan di perairan waduk Wadaslintang tersusun atas tiga kelompok tingkat trofik yaitu ikan patin, nila, tawes dan nilem mempunyai jenjang trofik terendah (3,5. Kelompok ikan pada tingkat trofik rendah 3.5. Fish group on trophic level.Holm, Martin Spangsberg; Taarning, Esben; Egeblad, Kresten2011-01-01Hierarchical (or mesoporous) zeolites have attracted significant attention during the first decade of the 21st century, and so far this interest continues to increase.
There have already been several reviews giving detailed accounts of the developments emphasizing different aspects of this research. Until now, the main reason for developing hierarchical zeolites has been to achieve heterogeneous catalysts with improved performance but this particular facet has not yet been reviewed in detail. Thus, the present paper summaries and categorizes the catalytic studies utilizing hierarchical.
Zeolites that have been reported hitherto. Prototypical examples from some of the different categories of catalytic reactions that have been studied using hierarchical zeolite catalysts are highlighted. This clearly illustrates the different ways that improved performance can be achieved with this family.NOVIA DEWI2017-07-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur, perilaku, dan kinerja pemasaran beras di Kabupaten Bunga Raya.
Lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purpossive sampling yaitu dua desa menjadi sentra produksi padi. Responden penelitian adalah petani padi dan semua agensi pemasaran yang terlibat dalam pemasaran beras dari petani sebagai produsen ke pedagang besar sebagai konsumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada tiga saluran pemasaran beras yaitu saluran pemasaran I petani menjual kepada pedagang pengumpul dan kemudian dijual ke pedagang besar, saluran pemasaran II petani menjual ke pedagang pengumul yang memiliki penggilingan padi kemudian dijual ke pedagang grosir dan saluran pemasaran III yaitu petani menjual langsung ke pedagang grosir. Struktur pasar beras adalah pasar oligopsoni karena dilihat dari jumlah pembeli yang relatif sangat sedikit, kemudian dilihat dari nilai market share, rasio konsentrasi dan indeks Herfindahl dari pedagang manapun menunjukkan nilai yang tidak terlalu berbeda. Petani sebagai produsen adalah penerima harga (price taker, dimana petani sebagai produsen mendapatkan perubahan nilai harga lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pedagang grosir sebagai konsumen. Margin pemasaran terlihat dari setiap saluran pemasaran yang terjadi menunjukkan bahwa margin dan keuntungan paling banyak didapat oleh pedagang yang melakukan lebih banyak fungsi pemasaran.Zulkarnain Zulkarnain2016-08-01Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi, struktur dan tingkat keragaman vegetasi di Hutan Kota Baruga, Kota Kendari. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sensus.
Data dianalisis untuk memperoleh Indeks Nilai Penting (INP dan Index Keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener (H'. Software Sexi-FS digunakan untuk mendapatkan visualisasi distribusi vegetasi dan stratifikasi lapisan tajuk yang menyerupai kondisi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi vegetasi disusun oleh 76 spesies yang terkelompok dalam 29 famili dengan jumlah total 8.296 individu untuk semua spesies. Alstonia macrophylla, Gironniera subaequalis dan Nephelium lappaceum adalah spesies yang mendominasi komunitas vegetasi.
Distribusi vegetasi menunjukkan pola distribusi mengelompok, dengan stratifikasi terdiri 4 lapisan tajuk, yang menunjukkan bahwa lokasi-studi disusun oleh lapisan tajuk yang relatif lengkap. Indeks keragaman tergolong tinggi, dengan nilai lebih dari 3 pada tingkat pertumbuhan pohon, tiang dan pancang, kecuali pada tingkat semai dengan H'= 2,89. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ketahanan ekosistem hutan cukup baik. Kata Kunci: Komposisi vegetasi, Keanekaragaman, Struktur vegetasi, Hutan Kota.Adi Atmoko2011-11-01Full Text Available Abstract: A Model of Teachers' Responses to Students' Behavior in Teaching and Learning. This study examined the influences of factors suggested in the theoretical model of teachers' manners regarding students' behavior in teaching-learning processes.
It involved 180 primary school teachers in the Municipality of Malang. Multistage cluster technique was employed for the selection of the sample. The data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicate that structural model has some empirical supports, which suggests that educational perspectives bear impacts on the teachers' appraisal of the students' behavior in learning. The teachers' appraisal and emotional beliefs have some influences on their emotional stability, and, in turn, the emotional stability bears effects on the quality of their educative manners.
Abstrak: Model Tindakan Guru Menanggapi Perilaku Siswa dalam Pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh antar faktor dalam model teoretik tindakan guru dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan causal relationship-explanation terhadap 180 guru SD di kota Malang yang diambil dengan teknik multistage cluster. Data dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model struktural telah layak dan memperoleh dukungan empiris. Artinya, wawasan kependidikan mempengaruhi anggitan guru terhadap perilaku siswa. Anggitan dan keyakinan emosi guru mempengaruhi stabilitas emosi guru, dan stabilitas emosi mempengaruhi kualitas tindakan guru.Nurul - Widiastuti2014-12-01Full Text Available Abstract PARTICLE SIZE AND CRYSTAL CONFORMATION OF SYNTHESIZED ZEOLITE-A WITH TETRAPROPYLAMMONIUM HYDROXIDE (TPAOH ADDITION. The aims of this research is to study the effect of tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH concentration in the synthesis of zeolite A to its physical characteristics such as crystallinity, crystal conformation and average crystal size. The zeolite A was synthesized with composition 3.165 Na2O: 1.000 Al2O3: 1.926 SiO2: 128 H2O: x TPAOH where x was 0; 0.0385; 0.0577; 0.0770; 0.1540 and 4.1602.
The zeolite was crystalized under hydrothermal condition in a stainless steel autoclave at 100°C for 5 hours. The resulting crystal was washed with distilled water until pH 8 and then dried in an oven at 80oC for 24 hours. FT-IR and XRD analysis results show that the synthesized zeolite A at x = 4.1602 has the lowest crystallinity. It is estimated due to the mass of TPAOH was four times higger than the mass of zeolite framework components (Si and Al.
SEM and PSD (Particle Size Distribution analysis results show that TPAOH concentration affected the crystal conformation and the average size of zeolite A particles. The formation of chained crystal conformation was caused by the electrostatic interactions between TPA+ and negatively charge of zeolite framework.
In addition, the particel size of the synthesized zeolite A at x = 0.1540 was 2.024 µm which was smaller than the particel size of the synthesized zeolite A without TPAOH, which was 3.534 µm. Keywords: average size of particles; crystal conformation; TPAOH; zeolite A Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi TPAOH (Tetrapropilamonium hidroksida dalam sintesis zeolit A terhadap sifat fisikanya yang meliputi kekristalan, konformasi kristal dan ukuran rata-rata kristal yang terbentuk. Pada penelitian ini zeolit A disintesis dengan komposisi 3,165 Na2O: 1 Al2O3: 1,926 SiO2:128 H2O: x TPAOH. Konsentrasi TPAOH divariasikan dengan.Muhammad Fauzan2008-01-01Full Text Available Existence of Judicial Commission in system of Republic of Indonesia is a long process in searching format of civic specially related to execution of judicial power.
The chaos of execution of judicial power which influence of government and other power's have pushed the importance of a institute that able to ' guarantee' the judicial power in order to according with the justice. The judicial Commission althought arranged in Chapter of IX UUD 1945 concerning Judicial Power, but judicial Commission is not executor of judicial power, Therefore Judicial Commission is not as institute enforcer of law of code, but as institute enforcer of ethic norm (ethics of code.
Judicial Commission is expected can support the creation execution of judicial power which independence and free from other power.Lukman Malanuang2009-11-01Full Text Available ABSTRAK Sektor pertambangan tembaga dan emas yang dioperasikan oleh PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara di Sumbawa Barat sangat dominan terhadap struktur perekonomian kabupaten tersebut sejak 2000-2006 dengan rata-rata 94,00% dalam PDRB. Terkait dengan sifat sumberdaya mineral yang tidak terbarukan, deposit rnineral yang terbatas dan masa produksi pertambangan yang relatif pendek maka ketergantungan terhadap satu sektor (pertambangan dalam jangka menengah dan panjang akan berpengamh signifikan bagi pembangunan wilayah Sumbawa Barat. Untuk itu perlu solusi mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap tambang dengan melakukan transformasi struktur ekonomi dengan membangun rantai pohon industri pertanian lokal yang merupakan sumberdaya terbarukan dan ekowisata. Selain itu semakin berkurang dan habisnya pertambangan pada masa mendatang akan sangat beresiko terhadap kinerja pembangunan.
Peran pemerintah daerah dalam mengalokasikan anggaran dengan tepat dan kerjasama antar daerah dalam memperbaiki dan mempertahankan kinerja pembangunan sangat penting dilakukan. Hasil analisis isi (content analysis peraturan perundangan sektor pertambangan belum mengarah pada tercapainya tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. ABSTRACT Copper and Gold mine sector that operated by PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara in West Sumbawa has dominated the regency economic structure since 2000-2006 with average share for Product Domestic Regional Bruto is 94,00%.
Regarding to mineral resources characteristic such as unrenewable, limited mineral deposit and relative short of long life project therfore dependency only on one sector (mining for long and medium terms will have significant effect on the development of West Sumbawa. Therefore, it‘s need a solution to reduce the dependency on the mine sector to tranform economic structure by means stablished local agro-industrial tree chain that characterized by renewable resources and ecotourism. In other hand, more reduction and exhaustment of mine production.Nasution, Wiwin Syahputra2012-01-01This study focused on the analysis of form, function and meaning Munajat as ideology and the media in keeping the congregation Naqsyabandiah lineage in the village of Padang Tualang Besilam Langkat District, North Sumatra Province. The study was conducted to provide a thorough understanding of the role of the congregation chanting Munajat Naqsyabandiah used as a sign of the entry of Fajr prayers, Maqhrib and Friday prayers.
As the creator and the civilizing traditions of chanting Munajat read.Deni Setiawan2015-10-01Full Text Available The Jogja Fashion Week Carnival (JFWC is related to various agendas of the local government in Yogyakarta, particularly in industrial and tourism sectors. The JFWC event is correlated to the domestic industries in which one of them has a positive impact upon the progress and the existence of this industry in order to reduce the rate of import from outside Yogyakarta. In another domain, the use of public space, which is often done by JFWC event, gives entertainment and cultural education to the people, thus this event is useful and appropriate if it is held as a routine agenda for the existence of the tourism industry in Yogyakarta. The education given to the people includes the global warming issue, the treatment and utilization of hazardous waste, and the important role of JFWC event in an attempt to create clothing trend centre in Yogyakarta. The dialectics of JFWC clothes can be seen as a process of cultural diplomacy locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, the existence of JFWC clothes can be viewed as a sustainability phenomenon of contemporary artworks in Indonesia.Johannes Ibrahim2016-10-01Full Text Available Banks are intermediary institutions that play a role in improving the quality of life, in which the bank to collect funds from the public in the form of savings and channel them back in the form of loans. Given the role and functions of the bank are very strategic, and management of the bank should do well.
Good bank management should refer to the statutory provisions and adhere to the prudential principle. One form of management of the bank in an effort to create a healthy banking-based risk management is to make Establishment Allowance for Earning Assets (PPAP for non-performing loans. Establishment Allowance for Earning Assets (PPAP on its implementation should be done consistently, so the need for intensive supervision of Bank Indonesia and the importance of coherence of legislation that serves as an umbrella act for the general operations of the bank Keywords: Prudential Principle, PPAP and Banking Structure.Taqdir.2014-11-01Full Text Available Abstract The purpose of this paper is to know the structure of compound verb (V + V in Japanese.
The structure is a forming of zenkoudoushi (first verb and koukoudoushi (second verb. The second verb is kiru. And the first verbs are joutai doushi (statis keizoukudoushi (contuinity, shunkandoushi (fungtual, and daiyoushudoushi (the four verb.

This classification from the Kindaichi’s classification. As a single verb kiru means to cut, to slice, to decide, and to turn off. When it combined with other verbs, the verb kiru will form a compound verb which has several meanings.
Commonly, compound verb kiru has two meanings, namely in terms of lexical meaning and syntactical meaning. Lexically, compound verb kiru means setsudan ‘cutting’ and shuketsu ‘ends/over’, while syntactically this verb means kyokudo ‘extraordinary/ infinite’ and kansui ‘perfective’. The compound verb kiru which attached to continuity (keizokudoushi has meaning as setsudan ‘cutting’, shuketsu ‘ends/over’, and kansui ‘perfective’, while when it is attached to the punctual verb (shuunkandoushi means kyokudo ‘extraordinary/ infinite’.
Keyword: zenkoudoushi, koukoudoushi, compound verb, kiru.Martha Pigome2011-05-01Full Text Available The principle of democracy and nomocracy as state in the Constitution 1945 is the embodiment of the state that based on civil sovereignty and state characteristics that uphold the law. Implemention of those two principles changes the structure of the state that established the Constitutional Court. This institution known as the guardian of democracy of any process of political democatization and legal policy. The consitutional Court plays an important role in maintaining the state constitution (Constitution 1945.
Constitutional Court have an authority to solve dispute elections and general election. This institution also have a role to judicial review of any statute that not synchronize with the Constitution 1945. Keywords: Demoratization, Rule of Law, Constitution and Legal Policy.Martha Pigome2011-05-01Full Text Available The principle of democracy and nomocracy as state in the Constitution 1945 is the embodiment of the state that based on civil sovereignty and state characteristics that uphold the law. Implemention of those two principles changes the structure of the state that established the Constitutional Court. This institution known as the guardian of democracy of any process of political democatization and legal policy.
The consitutional Court plays an important role in maintaining the state constitution (Constitution 1945. Constitutional Court have an authority to solve dispute elections and general election.
This institution also have a role to judicial review of any statute that not synchronize with the Constitution 1945.tarjo tarjo2009-10-01Full Text Available Corporate governance mechanisms believed to have strong impact to the companies’ performance. Corporate governance mechanisms examined in this study are managerial ownership and institutional ownership structure. The purposes of this study are to know the variables effect of managerial ownership and institutional ownership on cost of equity capital. The samples of the study are firms listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange in 2005. The F-test on the all variables at the level confidence 1% indicates the effect of all variables on cost of equity capital is significant. The result of this study showed that managerial ownership and institutional ownership have positive significant impact (at the level of confidence 1% and 5% on the cost of equity capital. However this result showed that corporate governance mechanisms fail to decrease the cost of equity capital.
Keywords: corporate governance, managerial ownership, institutional ownership, cost of equity capital.Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni2012-11-01Full Text Available Females were empowered as workforce and significantly gave contribution for people’slive and economic advance of family and nation. Increasing of Female Labourforce ParticipationRate (TPAK occurred both in national level as well as in Bali Province. The development offemale empowerment in economic subject was not always followed by development of theirwelfare and power to achieve through salary they earned. This was related to job position or theirposition in their jobs.The high percentage of females who were working in the informal sectors became areflection of low female empowerment in economic subjects. Similarly, the average wage earnedby female workers was lower than male worker average wage also became reflection of lowfemale economic empowerment.
Female economic empowerment that was lower than males wasalso reflected by female percentage was successful holding echelon position in Bali Provincewas only 22.3 percent from the available positions in 2008, with a relatively high variationaccording to a regency or a town.The objective of this research was to learn based on models developed on influence ordynamics factors of direct or indirect structural obstacle factors through organisational culturetowards Balinese females empowerment in echelon positions. The result from data processingthat structural obstacle was negatively affected to female empowerment grade. This resultresearch was suitable with Davidson’s (1996 statement that obstacle in an organization faced byfemales in their efforts to develop females in workplace was obstacles related to attitude andstructural obstacles. Structural obstacle could include procedure, personnel policy, and practisesin the organization. Organizational policy and practice could create obstacles to female careerdevelopment (Bielby, 2000. Discrimination experienced by females in personnel policy couldinclude recruitment process, promotional evaluation system, and training’s opportunity.Muhammad Yusuf2010-11-01Full Text Available This study examined the effect of cost, productivity of assets and capital structure of an automotive company's profitability.
This study focuses on the productivity of assets which include factors such as operating leverage, sales, inventory turnover, net working capital, liquidity, receivable collection, fixed asset ratio, and total asset turnover. Capital Structure includes the degree of financial leverage. Profitability factor in this study includes operating margin, return on assets and return on equity. Sample used are 45 automotive industry companies who have registered and still active until December 31, 2009.
The statistical methods used in this research are classical assumption test, f test and t test. This study indicates that inventory turns, liquidity, receivable collections and, the ratio of fixed assets have a negative outcome to the total asset turnover, while net working capital has a positive outcome. Operating margin and total asset turnover both have positive values that have an impact on return on assets.
Capital structure and degree of operating leverage both have negative results on the turnover of capital, while return on assets have positive results.Tarsisius Murwaji2013-01-01Full Text Available The construction of infrastructure projects require large expenses. The cost for the project loan is usually derived from international banks.
Legal issues, among others: we do not guarantee the legal system conducive to use in large financing; corporate body and banking institutions we considered to be of international standard, and our le-gal system is regarded as the country risk. The other hand many people of Indonesia who have collateral material, usually pure gold (precious metals that have been diimaterialization and included in the accounts of foreign banks. Such guarantees may be used as the basis of the issuance of bank guarantees and through the mechanism of Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT can be used as loan collateral banks in Indonesia.Prihastuti Prihastuti2011-04-01Full Text Available Soils are made up of organic and an organic material. The organic soil component contains all the living creatures in the soil and the dead ones in various stages of decomposition. Biological activity in soil helps to recycle nutrients, decompose organic matter making nutrient available for plant uptake, stabilize humus, and form soil particles.The extent of the diversity of microbial in soil is seen to be critical to the maintenance of soil health and quality, as a wide range of microbial is involved in important soil functions. That ecologically managed soils have a greater quantity and diversity of soil microbial.
The two main drivers of soil microbial community structure, i.e., plant type and soil type, are thought to exert their function in a complex manner. The fact that in some situations the soil and in others the plant type is the key factor determining soil microbial diversity is related to their complexity of the microbial interactions in soil, including interactions between microbial and soil and microbial and plants.The basic premise of organic soil stewardship is that all plant nutrients are present in the soil by maintaining a biologically active soil environment.
The diversity of microbial communities has on ecological function and resilience to disturbances in soil ecosystems. Relationships are often observed between the extent of microbial diversity in soil, soil and plant quality and ecosystem sustainability.
Agricultural management can be directed toward maximizing the quality of the soil microbial community in terms of disease suppression, if it is possible to shift soil microbial communities.Endang Retnowati2011-05-01Full Text Available Indonesiaas an archipelago, which has till 70% is ocean area. In this sea area marine contains a very large and varied economic potential including fish resources.
With the abundance of fish resources, it should make the fishermen earning to complete their necessities. In fact, it is not so, the poverty still have been collided with the lives of many fishermen. From the economic side, what the fishermen catch, is so far from enough to complete their necessities. This is caused by lack of capital owned by fishermen, the pressure from the owners of capital, profit-sharing system that is not fair, trade or auctioning process of fish that are not transparent (controlled by middlemen. Furthermore the authorities have no authority to regulate and enforce the rules.
In addition, the pattern or work culture that is still what it is. The conditions of poverty which is experienced by fishermen led to their conflict and only to be the object. The law should provide protection has not been optimal yet. In the fishery law, there are only 2 verse in paragraph 1 regulating fishermen, also it is only the verse giving understanding of fishermen and small fishermen. Even it gives different understanding that traditional fishermen in the explanation of paragraph 18 (6 Local Government Act as well as in reality. The different understanding gives impact to the fishermen.Tarsisius Murwaji2013-10-01Full Text Available The construction of infrastructure projects require large expenses. The cost for the project loan is usually derived from international banks.
Legal issues, among others: we do not guarantee the legal system conducive to use in large financing; corporate body and banking institutions we considered to be of international standard, and our le-gal system is regarded as the country risk. The other hand many people of Indonesia who have collateral material, usually pure gold (precious metals that have been diimaterialization and included in the accounts of foreign banks. Such guarantees may be used as the basis of the issuance of bank guarantees and through the mechanism of Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT can be used as loan collateral banks in Indonesia.
Key words: bank guaranty, SWIFT, security law, international banking sy.