Okay so i've managed to play 2 days straight (20+ Hours) with solid gaming sessions with only 1 crash and its very promising. (Better than crashing literally every 2nd game)This might be a hassle but if you follow these steps it may also help you out.This is what I did:1. Put all graphic setting AS LOW AS POSSIBLE on apex. ALSO PUT THE ADAPTIVE RESOLUTION FPS TARGET MINIMUM 50 (mine is on 50), if your still crashing try increasing it. My settings are attached below look at the photo's2. Go to your task manager and sort the tasks by name, I ended any processes relating to AMD softwares (like 4 things that had the name either 'Radeon.'

). Note: Always do this if you've restarted or just booted up your comp wanting to play Apex. It only force closes the AMD software which will turn off the vsync and the other settings enabled for Apex + you can always boot it back up by just searching AMD on search bar so its completely safe dw.3. Put Easy Anti Cheat on low priority - Do this by task manager - Details - Find and right click Easy Anti Cheat - Priority then put it as low.4. You have to experiment with the +fps max through the advanced launch options.

Mine mainly stopped crashing around 45/50. I started at 80 and kept going down by 5 until it didn't crash anymore. (So in short I put in the advanced launch options '+fps max 45')5.

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Apex Legends Amd Crashing Reddit

I turned off ALL OVERLAYS. I would just like to say, with someone who has over 30 hours play time, i've finally fixed it for myself.I used to crash every few games and it could be at the begining middle or end game, did not matter.Im not the best technology wise so i did not edit my files or repair drives or anything like that, and i have a potato pc lolANYWAYS THE SOLUTIONFor me i did two things, but the main one is alt-tabbing.

Apex Legends Crashing And Timing Out

Anytime i alt tab i restart my game completely. And this seems to have stopped the crashing.

Apex Legends Crashing Amd Graphics

I have not had a single crash since I've done this.On my other pc (divorced parents) I have a two monitor set up. With this one, i just changed all of the video settings back to default. Even with a pre-built potato from Microcenter i still get about 100 fps which is plenty for a PC shooterJust try this, maybe even both.

And if you ever do alt tab, just make sure you completely close out of your game then open it back up. Worked wonders for me!-Wraith OTP.