Turned three a couple of weeks ago, meaning that it’s time to dust off our best Cities: Skylines mods list and see what wonderful community creations we can fill it with. On the day of its launch, Skylines already had pages and pages of buildings and complicated junctions waiting to be downloaded; now there are 1,000 of them, containing a ridiculous 145,948 mods.That’s quite a lot of stuff to get through. And you should absolutely give a browse — you never know what you might find. If you don’t want to faff, however, I’ve gathered a bunch of the best, including some personal favourites that I can’t live without.

Most of these mods will work with the base game, but there are a few you’ll need one of the expansions for, and remember to check for conflicts.Ghost in the Shell BuildingsThe first question I ask myself when building a new city is how futuristic and gaudy do I want it to be? The answer is always: as gaudy and futuristic as possible. You’ll undoubtedly notice a theme in this list. This makes the essential, though it’s more understated than a lot of my sci-fi mods, making it a solid addition to a contemporary city as well. Blade Runner Police Tower and Tyrell Corporation PyramidWhile we’re talking cyberpunk, let’s not forget about Blade Runner. You can’t get more ostentatious than these two buildings. The is particularly impressive, and it’s perfect if you want something in your city that screams malevolence.

The looks a little bit off during the day, I think it’s all the black, but at night it’s incredible.FOGBAE-TOWR4Let’s stay in the future with the imposing, monolithic power station. Is there a hint of Brutalism about it? Who cares, it looks bad ass. It’s also practical, providing electricity for all the terrified ants scurrying below. Get this building to let all your citizens know that the state will crush them. Gula’s Architectural DesignsOkay, Okay, you don’t all want futuristic cities.

Is a 24-item collection from the titular modder, and it’s a corker. It contains everything from a to a. There’s plenty inbetween, too, including schools and skyscrapers. It’s a diverse, high-quality pack. Quad CollectionThe contains a whopping 166 items, and while I’m a fan because of the vast number of flashy sci-fi or sci-fi-adjacent buildings like, it’s also full of contemporary skyscrapers and offices that would fit perfectly in any modern city. If you don’t want to sift through hundreds of buildings, this is a great time saver. Sunken Train StationI love it when cities try to hide large buildings and infrastructure, making them seem more open, so I guess I like too (whether in and ).

If you’re looking for subtlety over flair, then this is the transport link for you. Amsterdam Centraal StationBut if you want a train station that’s also an in-your-face piece of architectural art, then you’ll be wanting something like. It’s a gorgeous six-track station based on the real Amsterdam Centraal, and it’s fat with details.Timboh’s Marvelous Interchange EmporiumThis collection of junctions is a mainstay for me, and has been since just after Cities: Skylines launched, though it’s grown a lot since then. I love making road networks, as I suspect anyone who came to Skylines after Colossal Order’s would, but it’s tricky and takes up a lot of time. Alleviate some of the pressure, and show you want talented people can do with some tarmac. Sharp Junction Anglesdoes what it says on the tin, allowing you to make sharper angles when constructing roads, freeing you up to make a more elaborate, fine-tuned transport network. It also comes with, a crazy mod that lets you make physics-defying streets that wouldn’t look out of place in Trackmania.

Advanced Road AnarchySpeaking of Road Anarchy, here’s its bigger sibling. It’s largely the same mod, allowing you to throw caution to the wind and construct the most dangerous, ill-conceived motorways anyone has ever concocted. But it also has buttons, an options panel and info text. CTCN Transport – BlimpWhen the expansion came out, we finally got chubby blimps that could fly around the city, picking up and depositing excited citizens and tourists. Blimps are pretty retro, though, and by now I’m sure you know what I like. Yeah, let’s turn those blimps into helicarriers. The is a functional blimp, but sexier.

Fill the skies with them! Better Planes PackPlanes deserve some love, too. The introduces two plane types and eight liveries to make them stand out.

Right now they’re mostly US planes and paint jobs, but more international ones are coming. And while they’re functional planes, there are also prop versions, allowing you to dump them anywhere. MiniI just really like.Newport City (Niihama) MapThis comes with the Ghost in the Shell Buildings pack, but I’m adding it here too because you can never have too much Ghost in the Shell. Even when it’s a not-great live action movie that, I’m sorry, I really enjoyed. Belmont County TransportWhen the Mass Transit expansion arrived, it came with some transport-specific scenarios, but what if you don’t have Mass Transit? Is a scenario map that tasks you with linking a bunch of little towns together, transporting 1 million citizens in 750 weeks, without using the metro.

Try not to use other transport mods if you want the full challenge. New Orleans DisastersIf you’ve got the DLC and are looking for a scenario to test your sanity and ability to remain calm and collected during a crisis, you might want to take a gander at. The map uses realistic elevation and sea levels, so it’s extremely prone to flooding. New York CityIt’s not a proper city builder without a nice big map of to play with. This is just a really cool space to build a city on, whether it’s your own version of New York or something entirely new. SkyrimYou’ve wandered around the map for 100 hours, now build a modern city on it. Is an unusual, tricky space to build on, but it’s also one of the most stunning Cities: Skylines maps that I’ve seen.

There’s such a huge attention to detail that I feel terribly guilty plonking down big, ugly industrial buildings. This is definitely a map you’ll want to build a green city on. Los SantosOne of the first big map mods, GTA V’s remains one of my favourites. Like the Skyrim map, the limitations force you to really plan ahead and make a city that conforms to the dramatic environment.First Person Camera: UpdatedWhat do your citizens see when they walk through your city? This lets you see through their eyes.

It’s pure novelty, but ever since Dungeon Keeper let me possess my minions, I’ve always had a soft spot for management games that let you get down to street level. 81 TilesThis mod unlocks the whole map, expanding the building zone from.

That’s a big city. You can unlock them one-by-one, just like you normally would, or all at once, letting you expand in all directions straight away. This will obviously have a performance impact, especially once your city starts growing. Automatic BulldozeBurned down and abandoned buildings linger, ruining property values and making your city look hideous.

Demolishing them one by one, especially in a huge metropolis, is a right pain in the arse. This makes, which knocks them all down at the touch of a button, absolutely essential. Reddit For Chirpy: UpdatedChirpy, Cities: Skylines’ Nazi-free version of Twitter, can now keep you. See, Chirpy can be useful.

Chirpy ExterminatorNo, Chirpy is a demon who must be excised from the game, and that’s exactly what does. With it, he’s gone forever, never to ruin your mood with the inane thoughts of your idiotic citizens. More Beautificationintroduces props to the main toolbar button under the Decoration tab. You can place as many as 65531 props in the game, though it doesn’t add new props, it just gives you access to the existing ones. Grab and as well, to extend the capabilities of the mod.We’ve reached the end of list, but by no means the ends of City: Skylines mods. This will be more than enough to get you started, but there’s a whole universe of weird statues, spaghetti junctions and towering skyscrapers out there. And as always, if you’ve got some favourites that haven’t made it onto the list, let the world know in the comments.

Released in 2015, is Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive’s love letter to Maxis’ now all but defunct SimCity series. The ultimate city building game, it’s the sort of thing armchair municipal planners have been waiting for since the debut of the genre more than a quarter of a century ago. Though almost universally praised, it’s not without a few flaws and oversights. However, a robust modding community has stepped in to enhance the game beyond the developer’s original vision, and there are now tons of cheats and exploits available on the Steam workshop to make the game as customizable and intricate as possible. Avast vs eset 2019. Via: reddit.comCities: Skylines affords the player a relatively small amount of space to get started, but, as the game progresses and milestones are surpassed, more and more areas are unlockable. However, there’s a limit to how much land can be accessed in the vanilla game, and less than half of the twenty-five total zones are regularly available for purchase.

This mod makes it so that the last milestone awards players with permission to buy instead of just one, meaning that construction can continue for quite some time. The extra land can only be obtained after the last milestone, though, so players will still have to go through quite a bit of setup before they can begin work on their metropolis. Via: simtroplois.comThere’s nothing more annoying in Cities: Skylines than panning out to get a grand, sweeping view of your city only to have your vision obscured by an obnoxious amount of clouds, fog, and other obscuring effects. It may look realistic, but we don’t all play the game solely for the sake of realism. This mod allows players to selectively disable these features, which can make the player’s bird's eye view of the city much more appreciable. The mod will also, which, though it will still have an impact on the game, will make heavy industrial zones much more pleasing to the eye.

Best city in the world to live

Via: pcgamer.comThe original SimCity titles, while endlessly entertaining, weren’t exactly graphic marvels. Releasing at a time when graphics only served as rough approximations of the ideas they were meant to represent, they weren’t exactly eye-catching. Cities: Skylines, on the other hand, is incredibly detailed - so much so that taking and sharing screenshots is a major part of the game for some.Related:Taking this aspect of the title even further, this mod allows players to explore their towns and cities. Akin to exploring a real-world city via Google’s Street View, it adds yet another dimension to an already wildly-detailed game. Via: imgur.comCheating your way to an unlimited amount of cash and creating constructing some of the wildest creations imaginable was a major part of the appeal for some of the old Sims games.

City Skylines Best City

While it isn’t a cheat so much as another method of play, the Cities: Skylines devs pre-loaded the game with an which is accessible by default from the mods menu. Players who take the strategy and challenge of the game seriously probably won’t be interested, but it’s hard to deny the absolute joy of building a city free of any sort of monetary constraints. It’s a city planner's dream!

Via: withoutthesarcasm.comAnyone familiar with this city building sim will no doubt be familiar with the milestones mechanic through which players can unlock new areas and building elements. While gradually expanding the features available to the player over time is a nice way to increase the game’s complexity without overwhelming newcomers right at the beginning, it can be a little tedious for city planning veterans eager to get through the early stages of a new build. Fortunately, the developers included a mod which unlocks all milestones right at the beginning of the game, so players with enough know-how and experience won’t have to wait to get their hands on everything.

Via: simtropolis.comWhile Cities: Skylines is a fairly robust sim, it does lack in a few areas, and amateur city designers experienced with titles like Cities in Motion 2 probably feel a little disappointed by the game’s relatively simple mass transit options. Fortunately, the community has stepped up and provided a mod which almost makes as in-depth and complicated as the rest of the game. Though the models used for the trains look ever so slightly out of place, this mod is a must-have for those who feel that the game could use an extra layer of depth when it comes to transit systems.

Via: windowscentral.comMuch like real life, once things like buildings or foliage are constructed or planted, they aren’t all that easy to move, and sometimes uprooting certain features is pretty much impossible. That said, while it may break some of the hardcore crowd’s immersion, there is a mod available which allows players to major parts of towns and cities with the press of a few buttons.Related:Sure, it isn’t particularly realistic, but we all know how painful it can be to mess up a few details and be more or less forced to live with them as other aspects of the place begin to demand more attention.

Via: steamcommunity.comChirpy is an in-game parody of Twitter by which players can read the thoughts and feelings of citizens of their new municipality. While it’s neat in concept and occasionally provides some relevant information, it’s also horribly annoying.

We all groan when we see that little Chirpy notification pop up, and the developers have yet to acquiesce to the demands of frustrated players. Of course, there’s an easy fix available; one of the first publicly available mods on Steam’s workshop allowed players to so they could finally plan out their cities without mobile-phone wielding tenants metaphorically breathing down their necks. Via: reddit.comAs previously mentioned, some people take this city-building sim super seriously, and it can be annoying to have a well-constructed plan ruined by a litany of ridiculous props. After all, nothing ruins the iconic look of an American main street than a bunch of Chirpy holograms and 3D ice cream cones. While it’s a definite part of the game’s almost cartoonish aesthetic, bothered players can take to the Steam workshop and download a mod that offers control over. It may sound like a silly nitpick, but, while the older SimCity games were outlandish in some of their city destruction options, they were never quite so gaudy.

Via: gamespot.comOne of the most tediousaspectst of many city planning sims is the implementation of foliage. While greenery is pretty important to the development of a realistic, livable urban space, planting a bunch of trees by hand gets to be beyond annoying after a while. It seems like the community came to this realization pretty quickly, and a mod is now available which allows players to plant trees rather than intricate, hand-picked selections.

While it probably won’t help in confined situations, those looking to develop a massive central park or forest will need to give this one a look.NEXT. TheGamer – Privacy PolicyWe respect your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while online at oursite. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Website.This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 10, 2018.

City Skylines Best City

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