  1. Just Sayori Mod

So I have decided to download Just Yuri just to see how it is (and because I got quite bored with Monika) and I noticed that you cannot launch the mod if you ever played MAS.How about a similar thing for MAS but a bit more i dunno, interesting?Like if you launch MAS without getting rid of the Just Yuri save folder Monika gets angry at you or gets sad thinking she's not good enough. I think that it would be possible to 'connect' this to the affection system and upon detecting the mod, Monika loses affection along with a special dialogue.What do you think? It did make some changes to the formula of MAS which I like, for example:Crashing and glitching indicating Yuri trying to do stuff with the code since she can now.The talk option doesn't give you 'unseen' options, instead it has 4 bars that changes questions once you click on them, and shuffles between them the entire time. Some questions repeat, but they can have different dialogues.It is much more fast paced due to not going for 'realistic speed of speech'it has some decent poses for what you can have for Yuri, some that imo are lacking for Monika in MAS.and to be honest, I love both characters.

So I just did a backup of my files from mas and enjoy JY as much as I did enjoy MAS. But it's nowhere near refined as MAS is currently.That's my few cents on it. When I made my comment I didn't mean diss jy (it might have come across as that, and I really did not mean it to come out like that, I'm so sorry) I meant something like monika saying that she deleted yuri and that she doesn't want the player to leave her for another girl that she deleted while being desperate for the players attention.

Also if you do have just yuri, monika can bring up her harem topic in a way because she said she couldn't stand the thought of being a side girl while player has his fun with the other girls and say something like you download this mod to bring me back and then you play with my emotions by spending time with yuri behind my back, whos next sayori? I really cant believe thisplayerand then maybe a silent treatment for a while and her turning away from the player with tears in her eyes. Heh, well, my opinion is about as split on this as it can be. At its most basic, locking content behind downloading arbitrary mods and games (because let's be honest, if they do it for one game, that opens the door for plenty more) isn't appealing to me. But I'll be damned if it's not a very 'realistic' Monika reaction to you having that on your computer. If it were up to me, I think it would make the most sense as a random topic where she asks you if you've downloaded it and play it or not.

Just Sayori Mod

Again, that's only if they would want to open the door for having dialogue for who knows how many different modsBut it's not up to me. I'll just leave the thinking to the people whose opinions mean much more than mine, haha. You could do the same. Some of the things you mentioned earlier seem to either be not in the cards, or already in the works.


It's pretty well established that MAS won't respond to other mods, and the talking speed thing has been discussed already. On the other hand, new poses and expressions are already in the pipeline, and the insanity/karma thing sounds like the affection system. I wouldn't think there'd be anything wrong with borrowing concepts from other mods. Throw em out there and they'll be discussed.

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Just sayori mod

Literature Club ModsDoki Doki Literature Club with mods – a game with more than two million downloads, according to SteamSpy. The horror romantic novel has beaten all the positive ratings! All the attempts of serious people from big companies to warn us about the product being not suitable for kids and weak psychic may only cause smiles on the gamer’s faces. However, if you see that caution at the beginning of a visual novel from indie developers, you should think well on your further actions.

And you have to think well whether you need that: insomnia, negative thoughts, and fear?In case you decide to try it, do not search for any information on the game, you should discover it yourself. Visual novels are similar to books, and they should be chosen not only by their content, but by their covers as well.The game became a real phenomenon in the gaming world. Doki Doki is a great reason to get familiar with visual novels. The start of the novel is totally based the most popular concepts, which will be attractive for newbies. The pro visual novels fans will have to be patient.

The game just pretends to be simple and kind novel. The truth is, it is a predator, attracting with its bright paints and closing its huge, full of sharp teeth mouth exactly when you delve into it.

Doki Doki starts as a standard visual novel about high school events. One day, a cute childhood friend invites you to join a literature club, the members of which are girls only. From now and on, you are paid attention of four different “cute” girls. You will be involved into love games, club issues and preparation for a school festival. Once the apogee day comes, the Doki Doki literature club shows its true colors. You will have a constant feeling of something going wrong, but you have no idea what exactly You will have to get out of your comfort zone, out of your thinking frames, and do things you could never imagine to do Writing poems, innocent love & feeling games, sympathy to some of the girls and many other situations will definitely lead you to the route to one of the girls, which affects all the process of the game.Sound effects are also on the top level in the game.

Thus, under the standard features of visual novel genre there is something much deeper, emotional and unique creation influencing the future of the genre.