1. Teori Psikologi Perkembangan

Terbentuknya perilaku dan emosi seseorang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak bisa dilepaskan dari sejarah dan perilaku masa lalunya. Karakter yang terbentuk pada orang dewasa pun sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan masa-masa: oral, anal, falik (odipal), dan genital pada anak.Buku ini mengupas tentang diskursus teori-teori perkembangan para tokoh besar, diantaranya Locke, R Terbentuknya perilaku dan emosi seseorang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak bisa dilepaskan dari sejarah dan perilaku masa lalunya. This has been the go-to book for development theory for quite a while. This text was assigned to me in an adolescent psych class for my undergrad, an intro to human development course for my masters, and now for an advanced human development class in my Ph.D. Program.It does an excellent job of providing a quick introduction to many different development theorists and their theories throughout several different fields.

The writing is straight forward and the book gives references for further inq This has been the go-to book for development theory for quite a while. This text was assigned to me in an adolescent psych class for my undergrad, an intro to human development course for my masters, and now for an advanced human development class in my Ph.D.


Program.It does an excellent job of providing a quick introduction to many different development theorists and their theories throughout several different fields. The writing is straight forward and the book gives references for further inquiry.It was last updated in 2005. This book contains a fairly concise overview of many different theories of psychological development.For most theorists, Crain includes a brief biography, the basics of the theory, discussions of application, and then an evaluation.The biographies are useful for historical perspective. I found the application section to be the most helpful as the applications generally were from an educational perspective.Topics covered: (paraphrased from Table of Contents)PreformationismLocke's Environmentali This book contains a fairly concise overview of many different theories of psychological development.For most theorists, Crain includes a brief biography, the basics of the theory, discussions of application, and then an evaluation.The biographies are useful for historical perspective. This is a survey book of several theories of development spanning from Locke and Rousseau to Freud, Jung and Maslow. For what it's worth, it was interesting to see how different theories developed and how they differ. I felt it was very good of the author not to really rank any of them, but allow the reader to evaluate them based on the evidence for each theory.I was surprised to learn more about psychologists like Freud and Jung than I have learned in my other classes though.Glad to have this This is a survey book of several theories of development spanning from Locke and Rousseau to Freud, Jung and Maslow.

Pdf Teori Psikologi Perkembangan Dewasa

For what it's worth, it was interesting to see how different theories developed and how they differ. I felt it was very good of the author not to really rank any of them, but allow the reader to evaluate them based on the evidence for each theory.I was surprised to learn more about psychologists like Freud and Jung than I have learned in my other classes though.Glad to have this book behind me, however. I read this book for a required course on Child & Adolescent Development at UMass Boston, and I can honestly say it was great! I learned a lot, the writing is engaging, and I even read beyond the course requirements because I wanted to learn about Chomsky. I especially liked Crain's emphasis on the role of nature in child development.

I just felt sad that probably it's too late for humanity to turn back the clock on technology. In that spirit, I am getting off the computer right now- than I read this book for a required course on Child & Adolescent Development at UMass Boston, and I can honestly say it was great! I learned a lot, the writing is engaging, and I even read beyond the course requirements because I wanted to learn about Chomsky. I especially liked Crain's emphasis on the role of nature in child development. I just felt sad that probably it's too late for humanity to turn back the clock on technology. New church building designs.

Teori Psikologi Perkembangan

In that spirit, I am getting off the computer right now- thanks, Crain!