. All users belonging to group 'publicuser' can create folder under'/doc'. All users belonging to group 'publicuser' can create folder in other user's folder as far as they reside under '/doc'. User's folder are just non private folders. All users belonging to group 'publicuser' can read, write, modify any type of files everywhere Independently of whom is the owner, as far as they reside under '/doc'. Only owner can delete objects.

File cannot be executed.I have try this piece of code, but I cannot go thru folders. All users belonging to group 'publicuser' can create folder under'/doc'. All users belonging to group 'publicuser' can create folder in other user's folder as far as they reside under '/doc'.

User's folder are just non private folders. All users belonging to group 'publicuser' can read, write, modify any type of files everywhere Independently of whom is the owner, as far as they reside under '/doc'. Only owner can delete objects. File cannot be executed.You can 't do that with just chmod. You need ACL.Everybody can do any action in the folder /doc ( or any sub-folders). But in that folder ( or sub-folders ) they may not delete any object they do not owned.

Generate Folder With AclGenerate Folder With Acl

Generate Folder With Acl Support

You can do that with just chmod, ACL's not needed. Set the folder U+S, just like they do on /tmp/, and you will only be able to delete your own files. G+S has a different meaning, it forces the group of created files to be the same group as the directory.edit Jim already suggested this a week ago.As I have already said that does not do what I wantUsing G+S in PUBLIC SHARED FOLDERa) deletion of not owned files forbidden: OKb) creation in user's folder: OKc) creation in other user's folder: OKd) editing files owned by others in its own user's folder: KO access deniedd) editing files owned by others in any other folder ( owned or not owned ): KO access deniedfiles are marked asuser::rw-group::r-other::r-My test script in pseudo code.