1. Developing The Spirit Of An Armor Bearer

Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armor bearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armor bearer slew after him (1 Sam 14:13)In my previous blog post, I wrote about ‘ ‘. While I was writing that post, the Lord showed me, the role of the armor bearer. He showed me, how this role refers to our role as believers and followers of Jesus Christ. Let us have a look at the role of the armor bearer. The role of the armor bearerThe armor bearer is, in all things. The armor bearer knows, that he is subordinate to his lord. He is not important, but his lord is important. It’s not about his will, and what he wants, but it’s all about what his lord wants.In 1 Samuel 14, we read about the battle, between the people of Israel and the Philistines.

Jonathan stepped out of the army of 600 people, and commanded his armor bearer to come with him, and fight against the Philistines.Jonathan said: “ come”, and the armor bearer immediately obeyed him. The armor bearer didn’t argue and didn’t question him. He didn’t say to Jonathan: “ Jonathan, are you sure? Is this the right thing to do? Why don’t we wait, until the others go, so we can all go together and attack the Philistines?”No, the armor bearer didn’t say that. He was willing and obedient to his lord and went with him.

Armor Bearer Mission Statement

Never have our military heroes had to do so much with so few resources. Our nation pays over one billion dollars a day to care for our troops. The United States meets their physical and mental needs better than any other nation. Unfortunately, no one is caring for their spiritual needs.More than ever, we see that no segment of society is more overlooked for missions than our military. At AFBM, we spend our days involved with military missions. Since 1964, AFBM has been ministering to our military and to our veterans. Additionally, we do basic training for soul winners and Bible teachers.


Developing The Spirit Of An Armor Bearer

We encourage those who are trained, supply them with Bibles and tracts, and point them off to do spiritual combat. The work of the evangelist is incomplete until the evangelized is evangelizing others.AFBM is on a worldwide quest for the souls of men and women in uniform and their families. We continually seek to assist laborers to sow the seed of the gospel at their place of duty, at a local veterans hospital, or in their community.