1. Fallout 4 Spouse Alive Mode
Fallout 4 Spouse Alive Mod

Contents BackgroundThe Sole Survivor is either a male retired veteran or a female law school graduate. According to pre-War records of the at the, Nate served in the 2nd Battalion, while Nora was a lawyer.At some point during the, the Sole Survivor married, had a son named and bought a robotic butler named. On October 23rd, 2077, the Sole Survivor was preparing for an event at the Veteran's Hall in, when a approached the family with pre-approved papers for access into.

Moments later, a newsreader announced that nuclear detonations were being reported, forcing the Survivor and their family to rush to Vault 111. They were then sealed in cryogenic stasis under the pretense of being 'decontaminated'. The Sole Survivor is kept almost undisturbed in this state from to.In, the Sole Survivor and their spouse are reawakened by two seen unknown individuals and one off-screen, who open the spouse's cryogenic tube with the intent of kidnapping Shaun.

Fallout 4 Spouse Alive Mode

Though conscious, the Sole Survivor is trapped in their cryogenic pod and is powerless to do anything but watch their spouse being shot and their child abducted by two mysterious figures. The Sole Survivor is re-frozen, awakening in 2287 and escaping the cryogenic tube.

Learning that they are the sole survivor of Vault 111, the Sole Survivor emerges from the vault and vows to avenge their spouse's death and locate Shaun.Returning homeThe Sole Survivor heads home to, now ruined from the bomb blast, where they meet a distraught Codsworth, revealing to the Survivor that over two hundred and ten years have passed since they were frozen in the vault, also telling the player character to go to for help.